Friday, November 28, 2008

Need a change

Life full of surprises

Its really a wonderfull game to play......without knowing wat will happen tomorrow. From the child hood ...the days where we were fighting for candiess... then cycle.... then bike.... then love.... the importance of life changes in every decade or a particular age... then marriage... after that your children... then the cycle will continue til the generation ends. And we are part of it for no reasons.... For me i need a  change i already i have fought for lot of things... many battles i got a victory but then not every battle.... todays world deserves a person who will be driven by his own force... no one can interpret it. Even we are sourrounded by lot of commitments, Relations etc..etc... but if you see the deeper side of it.. to achieve those thing either we have missied many other important things.... we are still making our mind to move... the first love... first failure... many things..but still life have to move on... 

Every one will get a breaking point to move its all about utilizing it or not. If u ask me i ll say life is full of making opportunities. All depends on how we react at that point of time...No use of it thinking after 100 miles. No one can be 100% true to every one its not at all possible... I am trying to be 100% truthfull atleast to one person in this earth but then lets c....

While writing this blog... A very serious attack happened in my mother country... For no reasons more than 140 innocent people where killed in a terroirt attack in mumbai.... i really dont know what they want. What the area trying to prove. Even the terroist involved in that are around 20-25years age group. what making them to do all these things. Then again the same usual thing Muslims ... why only people involved in these religions are doing this.... Then again people are pakistan in this country where i am currently residing are happy. They are moving some thing great had happened . Wat the fuck they want...... If not they atlest they can manitain a dignity or atlest they can keep silence....My salute to thos who are still fightig in these places....and the brave servents of Taj Hotel.... Now lot of comon people might think that Wat will happen to our foregin investments and other activities... 

Our government should take necessary steps from here to give safety to the general public... this is the time to maintain the unity in our nation. i hope from tomorrow morning everything will change or at will move like any other day...Before leaving i will spread those words of Mr.Ratan Tata Rather, 
spoke the truth—we’ve just not learnt from the past. We need to build an infrastructure that can cope with such situations. Right now, it’s taking too long for things to come together, he said. India has lived with terror for over 25 years, but we haven’t got any better at pre-empting attacks or punishing those responsible. Let’s stop this posturing and playing politics with terror, and put in place a modern, professional infrastructure to deal with terror.

For more news about attacks you can visit these website which covering the entire story...

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